Jun 26Liked by Cintra Wilson

He’s so good in Hacks! Twenty years later he’s finally getting his due!

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Jun 27Liked by Cintra Wilson

I agree it's very frustrating when you don't think an actor has had the opportunity to realise his full potential. That's the audience's loss, for sure. However, in a profession where making a living at all is so hard, and the pitfalls of mega-stardom well-documented, maybe he's happy to have had the career he's had. Whatever the case, he's the subject of a Cintra Wilson article. Career highlight.

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Jun 29Liked by Cintra Wilson

He graduated from high school in Romulus, NY. Went to college in Geneva, NY @ Hobart & William Smith

This part of Upstate NY, aka The Finger Lakes, is as far removed (culturally)from NYC as one can be

Its landscape is open, lush, and the lifestyle is, generally speaking, simple

Perhaps, the influence of living up here helped shape his perception of what "success" is?

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Jun 29Liked by Cintra Wilson

This is the tribute Christopher McDonald deserves. Someone already mentioned how great he is on Hacks, but I wanted to add this tidbit. There was an episode where he, Jean Smart, Tony Goldwyn, and others played a lot of golf. According to the show-runners, Christopher coached Jean between scenes to help her with her swing. That’s our Shooter.

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Jun 28Liked by Cintra Wilson

Cintra you are a gold miner. You find the treasure among the dross. Thank you for reminding us.

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Thank you for reading!!

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Jun 27Liked by Cintra Wilson


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"so good, so good" what the hell song is that goin round my head after reading this, the Baldwin swipe priceless and was relieved to put a face to the man when you got to Shooter McGavin from "Happy Gilmore" (hilarious film bolstered by so many talented bit parts and certainly his but my favorite being Sandler crooning at outset before buzzing her up into the highrise. intercom: "while the niiiiiiight closes in" thinking he's serenading his woman and it turns out to be a love-struck bag-lady who shows up at his door omg!!!!) i'll have to listen to this for full effect later as immunization against the shit-fest of debate tonight...anywhere near Playa Garza? know some people there he photographs "yoginis" lives up in the hills heard the "ticos" locals are the salt of the earth enjoy

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He also starred in a fun late-run Law & Order where he plays a guy who believes that he’s the illegitimate son of JFK.

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Great article, I love Christopher McDonald too.

I hated Timothy Carhart so much in Thelma & Louise that I somehow completely forgot Christopher McDonald was in that movie. DOH!

He definitely elevates almost everything he's in. Such a killer smile too.

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why not re - write " Romeo And Juliette " and cast Christopher Macdonald as Romeo?

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Fun article to read. Thanks.

Spy Kids II also has a great scene with Steve Buscemi, if I recall. Deeply theologically twisted and wonderful.

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