Jul 4Liked by Cintra Wilson

Thank the stars for Mitzy and her T-squared army (twin twin teen) and a bit of adventure for the New Yorker (Never been to Costa RIca but NYC is a second home). I’ve been trying to figure out how to pay for a CWFYP sub, but alas I have no income to pay it with. Still, your words give me riches so maybe now that apocalypse is nigh there can be a barter-ship that will make us both some money, somehow. I am always glad to read what your brain has fashioned (who knew that the current state of democracy would have this introvert commenting wantonly). Be well and if I can think of how it might be a benefit to you I’ll be emailing.

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Dude, I keep the thing free for people like you.

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Jul 4Liked by Cintra Wilson

Cintra! Chicken broth and poisonous snakes - haven’t laughed that hard in a long time <3

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Jul 4Liked by Cintra Wilson

You won’t come to Canada. No one did in 2016 and no one will now. Trudeau has systematically ruined the country. Our taxes are off the charts, our socialized healthcare is collapsing so we send cancer patients south for treatment or give them assisted dying as a choice. Immigrants are piling in on an infrastructure that can’t cope. Housing is no longer affordable for most people. Our major cities have become homeless encampments. Progressive crime legislation means catch and release in most jurisdictions with all manner of crime that goes along with that. The West is a mess regardless of the leader. Biden is senile and has been for some time, so the US has been living one hum dinger of a fucking lie now for months. Democracy died awhile ago.

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This makes me sooooo sad.

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Except for cost of housing you are full of shit

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Jul 5Liked by Cintra Wilson

Compelling post. Sorry you can’t afford a house.

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Cintra wielding the fires of truth to fight the fascists burns hot.

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So unexpected.Brava.

Well done.

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Thank you Sir!

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It’s awful. But the idea of staying and fighting is inspiring.

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Jul 4Liked by Cintra Wilson

Brilliant! What crackling, witty, original writing!

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glad you got THAT out of system and directly injected into ours....listening just now even better than reading and each week when typically bladder acts up at 2 am and i stretch langorously for phone

and see your post and i know its Thursday and i smile.....oddly yesterday taking break from the Joe Biden Resignation Death Watch (the one true right thing he must do) i delved into a book of Lester Bang's music reviews i had sent to my remote road up in the U.P. and thought of you and curious if you ever met i him during his New York days with the Village Voice etc. after he did perhaps the best and free-form of his writing for Creem in Detroit (like Jack Black of course he had his own band and had just made an album i guess the year before he died in 1982). These times and right now are tolerated only with the aid of voices like his, your own, which strove, punched far above weight class and probed in his case not just the sexual intensity of say '"the Troggs" and their musical relevance compared to James Taylor while interweaving all of art and writing (Burroughs, Thompson, the Beats all of it..) but demanded we resist authority and in this moment i dare say part of it will be the numbing weight and machinery and clunky caution of our own Democratic Party if Joe doesn't step down, if Gretchen or others don't step up. Then the resistance will be ON baby....i suspect it already is.

The mosquitoes up here are annoying but don't require LZ's so....there's THAT.

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btw the license plates up here bear the words "Pure Michigan". Like Carl Jung i believe there are no real co-incidences. lol

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Jul 4Liked by Cintra Wilson

Love your spirit and fight and I am with you!

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If too many of us decide to immigrate to Costa Rica, we’ll ruin the place, so the people there know that they are going to have to be heartless on applications for asylum. Canada may be more open to applicants of military age with service experience.

When the Berlin Wall went up, my buddy Bob wailed “we’re all going to die.” Kids were well drilled to the existential threats posed by The Bomb as we quaintly called it. Well Bob was early by a year. The Cuban Missile Crisis brought us right up to the thumb of a Soviet submarine B-59 captain who couldn’t tell if he was just being hassled by the depth charges he was hearing or being set up for a kill. He had a firing solution and a nuke torpedo spooled up. He wasn’t in communication with Moscow. His political officer, Ivan Maslennikov was ok with firing. The executive officer, Vasily Arkhipov talked them down. We didn’t know it at the time, of course, but it felt that close the whole two weeks.

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Jul 5Liked by Cintra Wilson

Fun fact, just throwing it out there for consideration:

Did you know that you don’t need to have a fixed residence in order to register to vote? All you need is a specific place where you can pick up your mail. It can be a church, or a relative’s house, or a soup kitchen.

That’s right. I’m saying that homeless people who are US citizens can absolutely, totally vote. They’re enfranchised.

You can live in your car or in a sleeping bag on the sidewalk, and you still get to say who you prefer to represent you in Washington.

But a lot of people in that situation are not aware of that.

It might be a good time to print up some registration forms and make sure they know this.

Just a thought.

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Such a good point. Will echo far and wide.

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Jul 5Liked by Cintra Wilson


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I'm in. Pura Vida.

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Jul 5Liked by Cintra Wilson

I'm with you on experiencing events like Burning Man while somehow declining the sweat-box camping, Cintra. Haven't been to BM (I guess they'd rather not see the event's name abbreviated), but spent many years camping at a bluegrass/roots-music festival, mid-July, in NY state. I would drop about 5 lbs of water weight within 15 minutes of getting out of my car on arrival. And then the hygiene goes down from there, for 4 days.

The thought of your foot on John Roberts's neck is just so flippin hot. Also: "fist-sized bugs" is added to my CW Greatest Hits.

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Jul 5Liked by Cintra Wilson

That was some goth Graham Greene sh*t!

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oooo chile!

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I’m sure you underwent catharsis as you wrote this piece, but I’m curious about the tree houses. Any pictures you can share?

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I’ll have to send them later! The internets here SUUUCK

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