There seems to be a human tendency (or maybe it's just me) to believe a new religion/hobby/husband is going for Permanence. Capital P. It's so liberating when we realize nothing is permanent, including Life itself.

I think when I married my first husband, I was just trying marriage on for size.

It didn't fit.

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Me either.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Cintra Wilson

You are worth a galleon-full of doubloons. Yuss.

Fascinating revelation about your personal (and obviously striking) experiences with Santeria.

Syncretism in ancient religious systems has always mesmerized me; I have studied it within and without the parameters of academe and it plays a significant role in my own, rather unorthodox spirituality, as well.

The ancient Egyptians, for example, were absolute masters at syncretism within their very own wildly diverse yet thematically unified mythical landscape. It blows the mind to witness the breathtaking ease with which they accommodated their gods, local and national, with such theological ease and, dare I say, panache. They LOVED to operate on that level. Of course, magic in its truest sense was at the heart of the ancient Egyptian system, and this of course is true of Santeria itself. “User-friendly” universes, I like to say.

The fluidity can be breathtaking and is a testament to human adaptability in the metaphysical sphere. Only Roman Catholicism, among the systems that emerged from the super-tribalistic Abrahamic-based monotheistic religions, lent itself to the beauty of syncretism. Islam, Judaism, and Eastern Orthodoxy do not, though saint/angel-cults exist in all of those systems, to some extent or another, especially Orthodoxy.

There’s also a curious link between religious systems bolstered by invasive imperialistic proselytism and the flourishing of syncretic faiths/rites like those of Santeria, in my opinion: where an empire forces its pantheon of gods/angels/saints upon local systems, the people are empowered to throw-off such shackles by syncretizing, yet at the same time they retain whatever is enriching from the newer system and jettison what doesn’t “fit” e.g. oppressive legalism of ritual and praxis.

Again, I think it’s a brilliant testament to the versatility and stubbornness of the human spirit in a wholly positive way. How awesome that Santeria found its way to you through the veils and shadows … and you found the wherewithal to answer the summons. Great and revealing piece, Wilson. May Nadine embrace you unceasingly!

To the doubters, that’s cool, but there are more things in heaven and on the earth, Horatio(s). 😁

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Your thinking on these things is always so deep and superlative. Thank you Darling.

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Your new piece inspired me and I warmed to the subject. I don’t get much chance to discourse like that or use my education in real life, so it was an appreciated opportunity. I guess I could write an academic book. Oh, God, what a hideous thought. Makes me want to take a nap and a klonopin. BUT, still rocketing through the humorous sociological collection I want you to edit by year’s end. I think you’re going to be a huge asset on this coming project—you know how to rein me in and I trust your instincts hugely. Precision will be crucial. Squee!

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We’ve been respectable weirdos for 2000 years! 🤣 Thanks for checking my work out, Cintra!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Cintra Wilson

Signed up, paid up. Your writing really is essential my dear!

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I love you Percy! i dropped your name to Vernon Reid on Twitter the other day. I love him too.

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I love you too!!!

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billy crystal huh? i scan alot of stuff on here (time that evil task master) and often cache the best like a squirrel to devour alone in safety of tree trunk offering nothing in return but a twitching tail and content chirps from time to time.. THAT and $4.50 might get you a cup of coffee with a Salvador Dali mural spray creamed on top so i tread lightly...ohhh so lightly....this is sacred appreciated ground (cafeine allusion) : if YOU can't get paid for it then the rest are fairly well fucked... id say "us" but this platform far from own intention of lucre of that sort nevertheless "from each according to their meagre abilities" etc. SO: how about the unmarketable return from this quarter of fondness, respect, joy received....? (lol i initially spelled "joy" "goy" haha)

6 decades in finally figuring out "writer" signals a willingness for introspection, nothing more or less than bolstering natural curiosity with a history of exposure to lived experience (and other great writing) and steeped, saturated with all due compassion in Life with all its challenges.

There ought to be a work requirement for this creative dole but the neighbourhood might suffer a slight alteration in its character as a result. Ha. I'm a crafty squirrel trying to get off easy there...while zippin off with the prize.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Cintra Wilson

I am always in awe of the experiences you share with us! Thank you! As a fellow BAA (broke ass artist), I too "feel your pain". We all need a little Nadine right now ❤️

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Find your inner Nadine, I say.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Cintra Wilson

Fine writer and reader of Substack—we are starting a movement to get a poetry section added to the platform. Can I ask, are you with us?


If so, please consider clicking the above link and liking the Notes post—leave a comment or even share within your own community. Poetry lives on in the minds of hearts of writers, it breathes on the page.

Your voice can be heard among the starry illuminations, howling at the moon.

Thank you for your time and support.

Love and appreciation,


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I dig your mission, my dear, but I am no poet.

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...and this week's essay was one of your best.

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Damn, thank you sweetest Leonard!!

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I promised to sign up in the morning... but I stayed up too late reading this week's piece. So. even though I am late, I have signed up now.

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I am so grateful for your support, Leonard. Thank you so much.

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Subscribed. This was a FANTASTIC read. Thanks so much for sharing this part of you. 🌟

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Interesting. As a Puerto Rican I know Santería is present in our culture, most of its devotees anonymous, afraid to be found out, furtive in their visits to Santeros as if patronizing an adult bookstore. Avowed practitioners aren’t anonymous and in this age of wokeness, congratulated for being contrarians.

I, however, have been a conscious and conscientious observant Catholic since my youth, with some notable gaps I’ll address in my current memoir pre pre pre draft - to which I warmly invite you to subscribe.

Good essay. Very *you*. 😇

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I'll check out your essay! I know Santeria is weird but I actually think the Catholics are even weirder.

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I'll sign up in the morning.

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Signed up. Can't do without you.

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Much obliged, my dear Rivets.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Cintra Wilson

I gave ya some money (always loved your work). Thanks for all the wonderful writing!

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Thank you so much, Timby!

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by Cintra Wilson

Happy to do so - I met you once here in San Francisco, you did a reading at a local bookstore (I think at Booksmith, which is my neighborhood bookstore). Your mom gave me a flyer for her band, I recall. Long time ago, might've been around when you wrote A Massive Swelling, or maybe Colors Insulting to Nature.

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Damn nice to meet you again.

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Ha! A friend of mine has a business card that says:

[His Name]

[His Business]


Damn fine to meet you!

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LOVE this essay.

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Thank ya my brother

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Hell yeah I’m subscribing! Your work has given me and Jimmy so much joy over the past 2 years. We have cracked up at so many of these recordings, and I always enjoy your take on American culture. It’s like an invigorating slap, but funny. CWFYP 4EVA

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Cintra, today I mentioned you to my publisher and discussed the possibility of approaching you and asking if you’d be interested in writing on my behalf as a Ghost Writer. Not sure how we could DM, let me know your thoughts at forenzexc@gmail.com

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